Tuesday, December 18, 2007

O.k., o.k. everybody is hounding me to update. Bill even went as far as to start outlining all the things I could be blogging about. I looked at him with one of my sweetest smiles (full of love, of course) and said "Sweetheart it's not that I can't think of anything to blog about, I just don't get it done". So here is Nov. 2007 in a nutshell. :)

William (and his team. the Weddington Titans, Jr. PeeWee :)) took 2nd in the Weddington Titan Bowl. Way to go boys!!!! It was a great season.

Brooks was chose at the Narrator in his Thanksgiving Day play. His play was on Tuesday, and low and behold on Sun. I noticed he had pink eye. We had to run (not really) to CVS's minute clinic so we could start getting eye drops in. He wasn't willing to miss his play that he had been working so hard on. Go figure! He read 2 pages perfectly (slowly and loud enough) for everyone to hear. After that we couldn't even count how many people came up to us and to the principal to ask what grade he was in. "Is he in 2nd grade?" was the most common guess they had. No, he's our favorite Kindergartner.!!! Good job bud.

Afton has been saving money since last Christmas and finally decided to make a purchase. Of course it was something that wasn't on our favorite list but she had thought long (and long and long) and hard about. So she bought a gingerbread house decorating kit. Here she is getting the walls stuck together.

Ta Da!! Here's the finished product. She had a great time decorating by herself. And shortly after this the infamous question began........"Can I eat it?" Go for it was all we could say. Bill finally told her "It might have been cheaper just to buy a box of graham crackers and a couple sacks of candy". "And miss all this mess?" "NO WAY!!"

This Thanksgiving was very special. In fact 6 years ago on Nov. 22nd it was Thanksgiving Day and I was in the hospital giving birth to a beautiful baby boy, Brooks. He is such a hoot. When he smiles he makes me laugh. Here's his birthday cake that Daddy baked and decorated this year. Good job!

He also got the two things he wanted most: 1. Lego Star Wars II AND

2. Cup Stacking!! He was sooo surprised. It's been cup stacking mania ever since.

So there's to November 2007:)

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