Thursday, July 31, 2008

School Starts

No the picture has nothing to do with the topic :)

School started for us on Tues. Cruz's first half day was yesterday and he did great. No holding on to me and clinging. After I left he even decided to talk to his teacher (who he hadn't talked to ever). He had a great time. He told me he might even like school. His first full day will be tomorrow.

Zinnah and William are in 5th grade this year. At Union Academy that's middle school. They have their own lockers and travel from class to class for the different periods. William thinks he's all that! Hopefully he can stay focused.

Patience is in 6th grade and is definately the big sister at the middle school. She lets both William and Zinnah know "how to do it right". Sounds like an awfully big job :).

Afton & Kolu are in 3rd grade. They both enjoy school. This will be their first year with EOG (End of Grade testing). They begin their pre-tests next week.

And finally my Brooksy; He's in 1st grade. He is soooo big. He loves having his own desk instead of tables and his own agenda. He knows he's in the big league.

Have a great summer! It'll be over soon.

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